Conscious Leadership
Better Organizations

Conscious Leadership
The soul of an organization is a reflection of that of its leaders. Creating and developing future-proof organizations starts therefore with increasing the consciousness of its leadership. Conscious leadership in combination with a compelling vision provide tools to build sustainable organizations with impact.
Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is a way to become more future-proof as an individual, team and organization. This implies a change in mindset from profit- to value-driven, and from fixing in the short-term to creating for long-term. The soul of an organization comes to life when the values ​​of the organization, as described in the vision, are actually embodied. When attention is given to the long-term focus on a daily basis, integrity and effectiveness arises. This is called conscious leadership.

Between stimulus and response is a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Victor E. Frankl.

I’m looking forward to connecting! Please contact me at:
Rixt Kuiper